IC Paper 6 (Set A)
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6 Jan 2023
IC Paper 6 Question
Which of the following statements correctly describes Arbitration?
a) The insured pays more premiums than what is supposed to be paid.
b) The insured profits from purchasing more than one policy covering for the same indemnity.
c) The insurer admits liability for a claim, but the insured does not agree to the amount offered.
d) The rights of the insurer to take possession of the property or situation where the loss or damage has happened.
IC Paper 5 (Set B)
₹ 999
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6 Jan 2023
IC Paper 5 Question
Which of the following is NOT a method of investment diversification?
a) Investing in multiple stocks in the same sector.
b) Investing in stocks in different sectors.
c) Investing in stocks in different countries.
d) Investing in one company that has multiple businesses in different sectors.
IC Paper 1 (Set B)
₹ 999
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6 Jan 2023
IC Paper 1 Question
Which of the following factors is NOT essential to insurable interest?
a) There must be some property, rights, interest or potential liability capable of being insured.
b) The property, rights, interest or potential liability must be the subject matter of the insurance.
c) The insured must not stand in a relationship, recognised by law, with the subject matter of the insurance.
d) The proposer must benefit from the continued existence of the subject matter of the contract or be prejudiced by its loss.
IC Paper 6 (Set B)
₹ 999
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6 Jan 2023
IC Paper 6 Question
Which of the following types of liability is covered under Travel Insurance?
a) Injury to the insured’s family member.
b) Legal liability for third-party bodily injuries.
c) Liability arising out of the use of vehicle and aircraft.
d) Liability resulting in loss or damage to the insured’s own property.